

Created by Potionslingers

Deep inside an endless marketplace filled with junk, face your friends in a wet hectic free for all in this magical strategy card game!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backer Rewards Fulfillment and PAX Unplugged
over 1 year ago – Fri, Nov 04, 2022 at 04:26:15 PM

Hello Backers!

I can't explain it more eloquently than "A big truck is dropping off all of the games on Monday!"

THIS MEANS I can move towards reward fulfillment, and getting you all of the games and merch you received as backers! I will begin fulfillment starting the week of game delivery, so keep an eye out for tracking information. I cannot thank you all enough for your patience and support. Now would be a good time to doublecheck if you sent me the correct t-shirt size, shipping information, or any additional goodies. 

PLEASE reach out to me if you think you have not completed the necessary information, or have any questions! If you are picking up the game locally, let me know. I have the list, but I have a couple of set locations we can meet, including the fact that:

I also have a booth at PAX Unplugged this year, as well as a demo booth nearby! PAX Unplugged is filled to the brim with tabletop-game related product, events, panel talks, and so on! It runs December 2nd-4th at the Philadelphia Convention Center. I hope to see you there; if you are going please reach out to me so we can connect and, maybe play a game or two! 

Additionally, I'll be running a small booth at the Punk Rock Flea Market in Philly as well on Dec 17-18th so feel free to hang out with me there too!

Want a more detailed breakdown of the process? On November 15th at Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA) I will be hosting an artist talk from 12-1pm, detailing the entire game development process from start to laborious, bloody finish! There WILL be pizza. 

Okay phew! Once more, a rundown of important dates:

  • November 7th: Game Pallets arrive; all Physical backer rewards complete and collected.
  • November 7th-14th: Backer rewards begin shipping fulfillment.
  • November 15th: PAFA Artist talk, 12:10-1pm
  • December 2-4th: PAX Unplugged Booth and Demo Space
  • December 17-18th: Vending at Punk Rock Flea Market at the Armory

Hope to see you there, so I can shake that hand for helping me with this entire journey!

Thank you again!

The Biggest PotionSlingers Update Yet!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 10:44:28 PM

Hello Backers!

Lots of announcements today! 

  • Boat Transit and Shipping Information
  • Reveal of the Mini Expansion based off of your feedback!
  • Home'brews' and Prizes!
  • Feedback Poll!

This is the final stretch! Shipping has been confirmed this weekend and the boxes have set sail!

Boat Transit and Shipping Information

It doesn't look like much, but that is 1500 boxes of PotionSlingers!

The Pallets are wrapped, the Stretch Goal Micro Expansion is printed, and the boxes have set sail! This past Saturday (September 10th) all of the games were loaded into a crate and shipped off! This is super exciting, and the shipment will take a full month less than they previously estimated! They arrive in port in just under a month, and once they clear customs, the boxes get driven to my doorstep, where I will immediately mail them out to everyone that backed at the "Official PotionSlinger" Reward tier or higher!


There is still time to do so here:  PREORDER PAGE



I'm sorry for the wait, but I promise it will be worth it. A Global Pandemic can't stop me!

This means that the Preorders and Shipping information will be LOCKED OCTOBER 15th! I will send one more warning to collect all of your belongings, and doublecheck your shipping information but keep that in mind!

Okay, next order of business!

Results of the Polls:

 Kickstarter Stretch Goals Expansion Results!

I've got these 18 super special bad boys printed and shipped alongside the games themselves, ensuring you get them at the same time! Shipping had been delayed for about 3 weeks as I double and triple checked card samples to make sure they were of the same quality for shuffling reasons. The linen stamping as well as the color printing has to match exactly, or you would be able to spot the newer cards! (I ordered samples from other printing companies just to see, and no one had the same linen stamping or card stock options, which I found very interesting.)

Without further text, here are the cards themselves!

18 completely unique cards, based completely off of the survey results! Trust me when I say that it was tough balancing all of the requests into an 18 card set. I really tried to include everything, in perfect proportion to what everyone was asking for! Once more, here is the chart:

This includes one of the card slots being a PRETTY weird one. If you noticed it while scanning the list, here is its card back! Unlike normal game cards, this one can be used at the start of the game by everyone! Just choose which side you would all like to play with, and change up the rules a bit!

By the way, they are included in the Print-N-Play file and link; You can play with them immediately!

I hope you like these new cards, included with each Kickstarter backed game! They were all designed from scratch, after carefully considering the polls. Polls are important (more on that later)!

Announcing 'Homebrews!'

Tee hee, you caught me. Brews. Potions. Homebrews. Well what the heck would YOU have named them?

Once I start going to conventions with the game, I've decided to include an art station at every booth, where people can make their own DIY potions I call 'Homebrews!' 

I'm designing a special card that will 'create' a random potion from any of the player submitted Homebrew cards in one big document! I will make them viewable with a link in the future, but this will be an absolutely strange and chaotic addition to the game that will only grow as people design more!

If you are interested in designing the FIRST ONES, here is the template!

Simply print it out, Draw whatever you'd like with the handy guide and BOOM! Instant brew! Just make sure to send it back to me so I can include it in this weird communal card!

There will be PRIZES as well for the Best Potion! 

Contest to be announced!

One last thing: 

If you have any suggestions for local game stores I should visit or conventions I should vend at, let me know in this form! 

LGC and Con suggestions!

 Want to Help?

Make sure to follow me on: 

It doesn't seem like much, but it REALLY helps!

That's all for now! If you have any questions or comments, leave them on the Kickstarter page, or email me directly @ [email protected]

Thank you so much for backing me! The game is within sight!

Major PotionSlingers Update!
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Jul 08, 2022 at 12:33:14 AM

The Gang is all Here! 

All of the manufacturer proofs now exist in their final form! 

Pictured are the final proofs for the PotionSlingers game itself, tee shirt, deluxe plushie, enamel pin set, and stickers!

I couldn't be more proud and excited to have all of them in their final form!

These are the real deal, and with this announcement is the newest update for fulfillment estimates! 

Manufacturing Estimate: Middle ~ End of July

Shipping Estimate: Early October ~ end of October

Backer Rewards Fulfillment: End of OCT- Early NOV

I am still keeping these margins wide to account for error, but international shipping logistics are indeed this complex! I will send out rewards as soon as they arrive to me, BUT if you recall, you may have received a BACKERKIT email, following up with Shipping information. It is SUPER important that I have everything I need to mail any rewards to you, and I have 80% of the backers accounted for. If you are one of the 20% who need to fill in their info, you still have time, but let me know if you have any trouble! email me directly @ [email protected] and I will fix it for you live!

Shipping info will be Locked BEFORE OCTOBER, so if your information isn't in, expect a message from me soon!

The 18 card micro expansion is set in stone in terms of card mechanics and designs, and the final art is being completed within the month, so look out for updates on the newest cards*! They are hyper experimental and I am really excited to try them out myself!

*I went a bit overboard** on the art direction for the very first one; trust that I am trying to go above and beyond with how extra these will be!

**I might have*** made a full page Sunday Newspaper comic spread, just to use for ONE of the cards

***I did,  and spent an inordinate amount of time on it.

Thank you!


Survey Results and Backer Merch Info!
about 2 years ago – Tue, Apr 05, 2022 at 08:22:32 PM

Thank you everyone who submitted to the survey results! The idea of this survey was to try to field what backers wanted in the final stretch goal during the campaign. I wanted to know what you like to see in the games you play, and what you would want to see more of in this one. 

 [If you missed the survey, here is the link. Your opinions are continuously super important to me and are extremely helpful for catered content like this expansion]  

I am absolutely obsessed with all of the data that poured in, so I made a chart! 

 It's a bit tricky to grasp at first, but I pulled from the data mainly asking what KINDS of cards you wanted, and gauged that with what kind of player you identified as, whether that was casual or competitive, and so on. 

The blue shape indicates the median interest levels of the yellow and magenta shapes, which express things on the binary scale of "I really want this!" vs "Please, no."

A fancy chart makes it easier for me to visualize what you are looking for, and to plan a roadmap of where cards themselves will align. Here are the votes for the cards you WANT to see, followed by what you like about the cards that exist already. I omitted from my own chart the kinds of cards that were outvoted,  and the option to have "all of the options."

I know that "Weird Experimental" cards make every other vote look meaningless, but the other charts show all of the variety! It was simply the only UNANIMOUS category, where not a single vote went against the idea!

what kind of cards do you want to see more of in the expansion?
What are your favorite aspects of the current game?

So wait. What do all these charts mean?

The final stretch goal, an 18 card mini expansion, will be my own alchemic mix of all of the things you asked for, + previous survey results telling me your favorite item types, characters, and so on. MOST of the new cards will be a blend of the most requested aspects (Weird experimental mechanics, more fleshed out lore, and balanced to be a bit chaotic but still valid winning strategies). I will still make sure to keep you guessing, though. What feels great is that the cards I personally want to see made mesh PERFECTLY with the cards you want to see too, and I can't get over it!

These will be added to the print-n-play file folder as well. I will notify everyone when the link is updated.


As for the non-game backer rewards:

Shirts are being printed and will be finished in about a business week. (If you have ordered one as part of your reward and have not told me your size, please do so asap! They are unisex, 100% cotton, and very soft. They are also sourced from the most eco-friendly printing company in the country!)

Plushies are in the prototype stage.

Pins are delivered and they look great! I am in the process of getting the packaging printed and finished for those, but I am SO happy with them.

 Stickers are VERY sturdy. I slapped the proofs on my mode of transportation months ago, rode them in snow, rain, heat, and dirt and they REFUSE to come off unless I pick at them! Gotta love vinyl.

If you feel as though you missed out on the other merch, fret not! I have extras! Please contact me if you like, but when I send out shipping surveys you will have the opportunity to grab them again!

No manufacturing or shipping changes of note. 

As always, thank you again! I hope that these updates have been interesting.


PotionSlingers Expansion Poll, Manufacturing and Shipping Delays Update
about 2 years ago – Wed, Mar 30, 2022 at 09:03:34 PM

Hi! This update is meant to be brief, and right what it says on the tin:

The game manufacturing is experiencing *SOME* delays 


I want your input for the exclusive 18 card booster pack expansion that arrives with your copy of the game!

My manufacturer is located in Shanghai, and they are experiencing another VERY high wave of Covid-19. This means that, although they have confirmed mass production of the game, individuals are quarantined again for about 2 weeks. This means that the new production schedules push the game back. 

My shipping agent cannot predict more than 2 weeks in advance for sea freight, but gave me a new estimate as well. 

The updated schedule for the games is now:

End of April: 1 Mass Production Copy arrives in my hands, which I will share as soon as it arrives

Early - Mid June: Mass Production is complete; game pallet reaches docks for shipping

End of August: Crate arrives, I start fulfillment process and shipment immediately

I am working as hard as I can to keep these estimates as accurate as possible. You will hear from me during each step, or if anything changes, but I am confident with the way things are moving forward!

BELOW is a survey I would very much appreciate you filling out!

Stretch goal additional 18 Kickstarter cards survey! 

This is an opportunity to sculpt the custom expansion pack how you'd like, and where you want to see the future of the game's card designs to go! Your input (just like when the Kickstarter was Live) shapes what cards will end up being placed in the expansion! YOU get to decide!

Two completely disparate items to go over, I know. But both important! Holler at me if you have any questions!
